Configuring settings

Table of Contents

  1. Configuring settings
    1. Site settings
    2. Collection settings
    3. Search settings
    4. Menu settings
    5. Footer settings

Note that you must change the site settings, collection settings, and menu settings before your site will work properly. You must change the collection settings before you run the Wax tasks in future steps.

Site settings

The main settings are direct from Jekyll. You can learn more through their configuration guides.

title:            'Minicomp/Wax'
description:      'Minimal Exhibitions with Jekyll'
url:              ''
baseurl:          '/wax'
copyright:        'Example copyright org, 2018'

Collection settings

Wax leverages Jekyll collections for much of its functionality, therefore some of the keys below are from Jekyll while others are Wax-specific.

Below, two collections — exhibits and your-collection-name — are configured. They are made up of Markdown files in _exhibits and _qatar respectively. Exhibits contains regualr written Markdown files, so it only needs output: true in its config. The collection you’be been building in the last few steps is a Wax image/media collection and needs more info to be processed.

You’ll need to open the _config.yml file and change the following:

  • Replaceqatar with your actual collection name, in all lowercase characters.
  • Replace qatar_item with whatever you renamed the layout qatar_item in the _layouts folder to be.
  • Replace qatar.csv with your metadata file name.
  • Replace raw_images/qatar with the filename of your folder of item files.
    output: true
    output: true
    layout: 'qatar_item'
      source: 'qatar.csv' # path to the metadata file within `_data`
      source: 'raw_images/qatar' # path to the directory of images within `_data`

| variable | type accepted | description | used by | |:————–|:————- |:—————————————————————-|:————-| |collections |hash |the site collections |wax and jekyll| |output |true/false |whether or not to output the collection to HTML. |jekyll | |layout |string |which layout in _layouts the collection pages should use. |wax and jekyll| |metadata:source|string |path to the collection’s metadata file within the _data directory|wax | |images:source |string |path to the collection’s directory of images within _data |wax |

Search settings

The search variable can create multiple indexes, though just one (main) is recommended. For Wax to use search it needs to a search index, which will be saved as a JSON file. You must change the name of the collection below from qatar to your collection name.

    index: '/search/index.json' # file the index will get written to
        content: false # whether or not to index page content
        fields: # the metadata fields to index
          - artist
          - location
          - label
          - _date
          - object_type
          - current_location

| variable | type accepted | description | used by | |:——– | :——– | :——– | :——– | | index | string | the path (within the root of the site) to write the index to | wax | | collections | hash | which collections (as defined in collections above) will be indexed | wax | | content | true/false | within a collection: whether or not to index the page content in addition to the metadata in the front matter | wax | | fields | list | within a collection: the metadata fields to index | wax |

The menu defined in _config.yml is used in the site’s header. This is the navigation bar that will appear at the top of the screen on all pages. The link for each label connects to the Jekyll front matter of a page. To set the link on for a page, you’ll have to open the page, add/edit a permalink attribute in the front matter, and write the link you want to use after that attribute.

  - label: 'About'
      - label: 'Wax'
        link: '/about/'
      - label: 'Documentation'
        link: ''
      - label: 'Credits'
        link: '/credits/'
  - label: 'Exhibits'
      - label: 'Local and Remote IIIF Manifests'
        link: '/exhibits/a/'
      - label: 'Inline Parallax Image'
        link: '/exhibits/b/'
      - label: 'Inline Image References'
        link: '/exhibits/c/'
  - label: 'Browse'
    link: '/collection/'
  - label: 'Search'
    link: '/search/'
  - label: 'Reuse'
    link: '/reuse/'

| variable | type accepted | description | used by | |:——-|:—–|:—–|:—–| | menu | list | list of menu items | wax | | label | string | the human-readable label for the link or dropdown | wax | | link | string | the relative (internal) or absolute (external) link | wax | | sub list| a list of sub items for a dropdown | wax |

The theme’s footer uses the site’s title, description, and copyright by default and optionally takes a list of navigation links and logos from the variables below.

    - label: 'GitHub'
      link: ''
    - label: 'Credits'
      link: '/credits'
    - label: 'Contact'
      link: ''
    - img: '/assets/logo.png'
    - img: ''
      link: ''
variable type accepted description used by
links list list of link/URL items wax
label string the human-readable label for the link or dropdown wax
link string the relative (internal) or absolute (external) link wax
logos list a list of the logo items for the footer to display wax