
The timeline is a feature of WaxBuilder modified from Joseph Anderson of the Fashion Institute of Technology NYC’s Digital Initiatives museum-timeline. To be displayed in the best way, it exists as it’s own page attached to WaxBuilder, with a tags section at the top, a return to WaxBuilder button, and an interactive timeline slider that pulls from the dateStart and dateEnd fields of your metadata spreadsheet. The timeline is managed by the following files:

  • _includes/tag-carousel.html
  • _includes/timelinehead.html
  • _includes/timelineheader.html
  • _layouts/timelinedefault.html
  • _layouts/timeline.html
  • assets/timelinejs.json
  • assets/timelinestyles.css
  • all javascript files in the assets/javascript folder


Replaces the default head (head.html) with a specific head for the timeline page.


Replaces the default header (header.html) with a specific header for the timeline page.


Replaces the default layout (default.html) with a specific layout for the timeline page.


The layout for the timeline page. Runs the actual functions to produce the timeline, including the scripts in the assets/javascript folder.

Creating a timeline page

To create a timeline page, simply add a markdown file to your _pages directory. Set the layout to timeline in the Jekyll front matter. You can change which field the tags are produced from using the documentation on the tags page.