Setting up your site

Sites built with Wax use Jekyll, a static site generator, and GitHub Pages, a web-hosting method built into GitHub. The Wax devs recommend that if you are familiar with Jekyll, you can set up your site yourself, but if you’re new to Jekyll and/or anything else in this guide, you should use the Wax demo template to get started:

  1. Navigate to the Wax template repository on
  2. Find the green <> Code button. Click it and then click “Download Zip”. A file wax-main will download to your local computer.
  3. Rename the wax-main zip file to whatever you’d like to name your collection.

You can also use the Wax template through

  1. Login to or sign up for a free account.
  2. Navigate to the Wax template repository.
  3. Click the green Use this template button. This will create a new repository. Minicomp suggests naming this repository for your collection title.
  4. Find the green <> Code button. Copy the HTTPS URL it shows you, e.g.:
  5. Open your computer’s command line. Using the cd command, change into the directory you want your project to go into (e.g. Downloads, Documents, Desktop)
  6. Run the git clone command followed by the repository URL you copied in step 4: git clone
  7. A new project folder your-repo-name will appear in the directory you specified in step 5. The name depends on your repository name on

screenshot of the Wax demo site homepage

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