Gathering your images

Along with your metadata, you’ll also need to gather the files that have all of your actual items (images, texts, etc.) in them. These files will need to be stored in one folder/directory. The Directory of image files section of Wax’s documentation provides some details on how to appropriately name each file.

  1. Create a folder on your computer where you will store all of the files of the items that will go in your collection.
  2. Download, create, find, etc. all of the files for your items and place them in the folder you just made. Files do not have to be in the same format (pdf, jpg, png, etc.), unless multiple files make up one item.
    1. If you have a multi-file item, place those files in their own folder within the larger collection folder.
  3. Rename your files according to their pid. Each name must be unique and must match the pid exactly, except for the file extension (.jpg, .pdf, etc.).
  4. If you have not already, create a metadata file.

Minicomp's screenshot of a screen showing the folder path from an image folder to individual image files

Your collection should now consist of:

  • A directory of items: images, text, or object files. The items can be in various formats (jpg, pdf, etc.).
  • A spreadsheet of metadata describing your items. You must download this as a CSV file.

Again, Wax documentation lists which metadata fields are required, recommended, and discouraged/forbidden (the latter may conflict with files that Wax’s processes in the command line will overwrite). It also lists file formats for images.