Serving your site

You can serve your site in many ways, but two in particular are included in this documentation: locally or through GitHub Pages. If you choose to serve your site locally, note that it will not be available on the World Wide Web. Serving locally serves the purpose of checking your site before you publish it publicly online. For instructions on serving your site, see the Serving your site section of the Wax documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. Serving your site
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Serving locally for development
  2. Hosting / publishing online
    1. Hosting on GitHub Pages
    2. Updating your site configurations

Note that some of the following content is copied from the Minicomp Wax Documentation and should be credited to Minicomp.

Serving locally for development

If you’re running Wax directly on your machine, serving should be as simple as bundle exec jekyll serve.
If you’re in a Docker container, you’ll need to specify the host: bundle exec jekyll serve --host

Hosting / publishing online

There are many options. Our demo uses GitHub pages. You can use any hosting service of your choice, but the Wax demo uses GitHub Pages, which allows you to serve and host a site for free in a GitHub repository.

Hosting on GitHub Pages

If you have a wax site repository that you want to publish to GitHub pages:

  1. Push your changes to You can follow this documentation’s instructions for pushing your changes to
  2. Open your repository on
  3. Go to Settings or click the gear icon. Click on Pages on the left sidebar.
  4. Under Source, select “Deploy from a branch”. Then select the “main” branch and “root” folder. Click “Save”.
  5. In the top menu of your repository, click <> Code.
  6. On the right side of the screen, click the gear icon next to “About”.
  7. Under website, check the box that says “Use your GitHub Pages website”. Click the green Save changes button.
  8. The URL that now appears in the “About” section is your new website URL.

Updating your site configurations

  1. Open your _config.yml file.
  2. Replace the url field with your own url, e.g., Omit the period at the end.
  3. Replace the baseurl with your own baseurl, which will be the same as your repository name, e.g., /your-repo-name.

screenshot of the Wax demo site homepage