
This section includes the documentation for WaxBuilder, the static site exhibit tool created from Wax and CollectionBuilder. screenshot of the demo site homepage for WaxBuilder The project is created and managed by the same person who wrote this documentation, so you can contact kam535 with additional questions. The parts of WaxBuilder that are not endemic to Wax and thus not included in the documentation above are:

  1. An interactive map
  2. An interactive timeline
  3. Clickable subject, location, etc. tags
  4. Data downloads
  5. Audio and video items

WaxBuilder is the passion project of one person. As such, it is still very much in development and is constantly worked on. If you notice gaps in this documentation or run into issues, feel free to email kam535@cornell.edu.

Features/bugs currently being worked on:

  • Add pagination navbars to video player
  • Merge av layout with generic layout
  • Add individual docs to each folder

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