Data downloads

The data downloads is a heavily Frankensteined and simplified version of the Collection Data section of CollectionBuilder. This allows users to download the data from your site as a CSV (metadata), JSON (metadata), Facets JSON (when there are facets), GeoJson (from the map), JSON (timeline), or the whole repo with all of the code. This page is managed with the following files:

  • _data/data-settings.yml
  • _includes/interactive_metadata_table.html
  • assets/data-tables.css
  • assets/data-tables.min.js
  • geodata.json
  • facets.json
  • timelinejs.json


This file lets you specify which fields you want to export from your metadata spreadsheet for the CSV, JSON, and Facets JSON downloads.


The main include that generates the dropdown and interactive table of metadata from your metadata spreadsheet on the Data page. Relies on data-tables.min.js.


The styling for the data table.


The template that the GeoJson data for the map page populates into.


The template that the JSON data for the facets you specify in data-settings.yml populates into.


Currently under development. The template that the JSON data for the timeline populates into.

Creating a data download page

To create a data page, simply create a new markdown file in the _pages repository. Set the layout to page and the collection to your collection name in the Jekyll front matter. Add the interactive_metadata_table include to the content of your markdown file and add collection=page.collection as a parameter to your include.