Pushing your changes to GitHub.com

Before you edit any theme elements, it’s best to see what your base site looks like. This means you’ll have to serve your site to GitHub Pages first. Before you can serve your site, you’ll have to move all of the changes you just made to GitHub from your computer:

  1. Open the GitHub Desktop application. If you haven’t signed into your GitHub account already, do so now.
  2. Click Add > Add Existing Repository. Next to Local Path, click Choose… and select your repository folder.
  3. Once your repository loads up, click Publish Repository. The default publishing place is GitHub.com, which is where you want to publish. Make sure the Keep this code private option is unchecked/off.
  4. Click Publish Repository.

If you log into GitHub.com, you should now see your new collection repository. If you make any changes to your repository’s base files in the future, you’ll need to click Fetch origin in the GitHub Desktop repository and then push those changes to the GitHub.com repository.

From the GitHub.com interface, you can change your site’s theme layouts and elements to customize the way your site looks.